
Project objectives:

  • Fight against fake news, manipulation and disinformation by creating digital tools adapted to NEETs (neither in employment nor in education or training)
  • To develop the digital skills of trainers and enable them to help and train young people to detect fake news and to have a conscious and critical use of social medias
  • Equip trainers with a set of resources on digital practices and tools to fight against the risks of manipulation and marginalization on digital platforms and social medias
  • Combat hate speech, racism, sexism, populism, etc. as well as the phenomenon of “coronaracism” on social medias


With the advent of social networks, the percentage of people who read content and who share or comment on it has increased dramatically, but unfortunately this participation has not
gone hand in hand with an improvement in the ability to understand the text, in the sense of interpreting it, to be able to read between the lines by drawing up their own conclusions.

There is an overload of information, there is still much that is unknown. Digital media allow for the spread of unverified “research” claims and the knowledge base itself is rapidly
shifting as we learn more. The stage is set for disinformation and fake news.

Education has an important role to play in helping students, teachers and indeed the broader public understand what evidence to trust.

To face this kind of misinformation, using logical arguments and “classical” training , do not seem to be effective strategies against fake news and fake fact that often using other languages, not always consistent and based on the principle of non-contradiction.


For this reason this project intends to experiment other languages, always Youth based, to communicate and training on these topics:

  • Equipping VET trainers with a resource pack on digital practices and tools
  • Equipping trainees with digital tools, to detect fake news and to promote conscious use of social media, to stand against manipulation
  • Promoting equity and inclusion by facilitating conscious and critical access to media, social and digital contents, to vulnerable youth against manipulation and misinformation
  • Contrasting hate speech, racism, sexism, populism, misperception and misrepresentation tackling fake news, “coronaracism” phenomenon and “post-truth” on social media