Discover our Playground

The playground is an online visual coding development tool that help young people to easily learn coding, logic, computational thinking, creation of game environments in a simple and interactive way.

The teaching objective is focused on tackling fake news through building new digital content that every learner can share within their social networks.

Are you ready to show your point of view about fake news?

You can start from a very simple dialog between some of our 3D animated characters and progress to more advanced modes to enrich your story with interactive menus converting it into a real visual novel!

Try it yourself and start creating with Fake Project Visual Coding Tool right now!


Discover how to create your very first story using coding and 3D animation


Learn how to share a project to your friends or how to create a learning activity you can share with your students


  • Getting Started – How to create a basic dialog

    Getting Started – How to create a basic dialog

    The Wizard has a strange idea about Covid19…

  • Getting Started – How to create a quiz

    Getting Started – How to create a quiz

    Let’s create a quiz about Covid19: use the provided project to explore the Show Menu block and create your own quiz! You can create an interactive quiz very easily with the Show Menu block! For example a block like this… …will produce this to the user: Your program will wait for the user to select…

  • The 6 blocks challenge

    The 6 blocks challenge

    Lets test yourself by creating a story without using any text block: duplicate and personalize the 6 given coding blocks to create an animation capable of transmitting emotions and a story! Respect the boundaries: use only those 6 blocks! You can have as many as you want of them but you cannot use other kind…


  • Advanced – Using variables to create a “score system”

    Advanced – Using variables to create a “score system”

    A key aspect for a program is the ability to store and re-use values to “remember things”. For example we would like to know the score in a game or if a question was already made or if we finished all tasks in a game. For all this scenario we will use some special blocks…